User Posts: John Rooney

Selecting elements between two anchors in XPath is a common requirement when scraping or parsing HTML and XML documents. With XPath's powerful location path ...


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become one of the most popular data formats on the web. Many websites serve data in JSON format, which provides a simple ...


R is a leading data analysis programming language used by data scientists across academia and industry. With its large collection of packages for data ...


Optimizing your website for keywords can have a huge impact on your SEO and search traffic. However, finding the right keywords to target takes research. This ...


As developers, we've all encountered the infamous "MissingSchema" error when working with the Python Requests library: MissingSchema: Invalid URL ...


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become one of the most common data formats used in web APIs and data storage. As a versatile, lightweight data ...


As an expert in proxies and web scraping, I utilize XPath almost daily to target and extract specific elements from HTML and XML documents. It provides a ...


Hidden web data - information tucked away inside modern JavaScript web apps - contains some of the most valuable structured data on the internet. As sites ...


Scrapy middlewares are one of the most powerful and useful features of the Scrapy web scraping framework. They allow you to customize and extend the ...


Playwright is a powerful web automation library for Python that allows you to control Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit browsers with a single API. One of its most ...

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